In order to not have to make up a snow day at the end of the school year, the FCSD #25 School Board has approved a policy for Temporary Virtual Learning. The following is the Ashgrove Temporary Virtual Learning Plan that will go into place if another Snow Day is called.  Watch for a notification through Thrillshare, which will come as a text or phone message indicating a closure or late start. If you have opted out of these messages, or have not updated your contact information, you will be missing crucial information.

  • Teachers will have prepared packets to send home when the weather indicates a possible snow day.

    • Work will be sent home for each possible snow day.

    • Work will be marked with the day it is for. 

    • Work for the general ed classroom will be marked AM or PM.

    • Special Education teachers, Intervention teachers and Specials (Art, Music, PE) will also send work home.

  • Students will complete the work and send it back to the classroom teacher. Students will be marked as present for the days they return work.

  • Work needs to be returned the day school resumes.

  • If school is out for more than one day, teachers will be available to answer questions and support students.

    • Teachers will email and send a Dojo message indicating how they can be reached.

    • Teachers will be available via:

      •  zoom, email, Dojo, or phone.  

      • Teachers will work with parents to provide the support in the best way possible for that student and what is accessible to both parties.

    • Support for SPED services will be provided by SPED teachers and will be done on an individual basis.

  • IF FCSD#25 goes into a second or third day on TVL Plan, the school will keep parents informed with:

    • Facebook

    • Thrillshare

  • If FCSD#25 calls for a late start school day:

    • School begins at 11:00, doors will open at 10:45

    • Lunch will begin as normal with the schedule as follows: 

      • First Grade: 11:35

      • Second Grade: 11:40

      • Third Grade: 12:05

    • Dismissal will be at 3:00

As always, please call if you have questions.

Mrs. Hernandez