PAC Meeting


Tuesday, March 8, 2022



  1. Introductions:

    1. Kari Oeser-Gray, Title 1 Specialist

    2. NeCole Hernandez, Principal

    3. Catherine Bulow, Parent of 2nd grader

  2. Finance Report: 

    1. Balance as of 2/8/22 $6183.56

      1. updated 3/8/22 $

  3. Anti-Vaping Awareness Campaign?

  4. Teacher Appreciation from PAC

    1. May 2 - May 6

    2. ideas

  5. Miss Cree is trying to help pay for basketball hoops with a grant, IF it is available again this year.  PAC will chip in if needed.

  6. PAC Fundraiser

    1. Pizza Hut Fundraiser - 

    2. Art Fund Raiser in the spring - working on the details

  7. Next meeting April 12, 2022, 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm